a 4 week deep dive innerdance & self coaching program

innerdance online cohort

In this 4-week Innerdance Deep Dive Transformational Online Cohort, I share the tools that have taken me on a journey from perceiving most things as out of reach - to believe in my ability to create whatever I want. In the program we will explore the healing powers of Innerdance on a deep level. I will also share the Self Coaching Thought Work tools I use daily to direct my mind and achieve new things.
After the Innerdance Online Cohort, you will be able to do Innerdance on yourself through self-activation. You will also carry a powerful tool to master your thoughts and create a life in alignment with what is true for you.

This cohort is for you if

  • You are feeling stuck & want to find direction in life
  • You are looking for tools to lead yourself from the inside out
  • You want to connect to your intuition
  • You struggle with taking action on your dreams 
  • You are longing for community and meaningful connection
  • You want to combine spiritual work and deep healing with a grounded, hands-on approach on how to direct your thinking mind
  • You want to let go of limiting stories and beliefs about yourself
  • You want to explore the depths of your soul in a safe and supporting environment
  • You want to learn how to create new results for yourself by changing your thoughts
  • You are feeling drawn to Innerdance and want to explore it from the comfort of your home
Together with Matilda and the other participants, I not only had the chance to explore my inner dimensions, but also to heal both my soul and my body. The shared energy and support within the group were incredibly inspiring and gave me the tools and insights to continue growing and developing long after the course ended. / Tillsammans med Matilda och de andra deltagarna fick jag inte bara chansen att utforska mina inre dimensioner, utan också att läka både min själ och min kropp. Den gemensamma energin och stödet som fanns i gruppen var oerhört inspirerande och gav mig verktygen och insikterna för att fortsätta växa och utvecklas långt efter kursens slut.


Attendee Online Cohort, March

Being in a context with other wonderful people for several weeks was so beautiful and healing for me. I felt that my self-esteem increased. I gained more zest for life and vitality. I am so grateful for these weeks and the ongoing transformation. During this time, I also took action and made two major decisions in my life, which feels so magical. / Att få vara i ett sammanhang med andra fantastiska människor i flera veckor blev så fint och läkande för mig. Jag kände att min självkänsla ökade. Jag fick mer livslust och livskraft. Jag är så tacksam för dessa veckor och den transformation som pågår. Under denna tid tog jag även action och tog två stora beslut i mitt liv vilket känns så magiskt.


Attendee Online Cohort, April


Exploring Innerdance regularly in a safe container with continuous support from a closed group allows you to go way deeper than in a one-off session or workshop. This experience will foster a deep sense of trust and belonging, allowing you to find inspiration and courage in the group. Innerdance works as effectively Online as it does IRL. For many, it's even easier to tap into the Innerdance state from the comfort of your home, allowing you to go deeper than you would in a studio environment. 
Innerdance is a tool to reprogram your nervous system and clear your energy body from traumas and emotional baggage. Unprocessed emotions often keeps us stuck in negative patterns and create limiting beliefs that prevent us from living our fullest expression. Innerdance helps you awaken the life force energy you always carry within and strengthens your intuition.

self coaching

To create long-lasting behavioral change and truly transform ourselves from the inside out, we need to integrate somatic experiences (that happens in Innerdance) with our thinking mind.
Our thoughts create our feelings, our feelings create our actions, and our actions create our results. If you want to change your results, you naturally need to change your thoughts. In this Innerdance Deep Dive Transformation Cohort, I will share an online workshop with self-coaching tools that I use on a daily basis to consciously to achieve new things and create the life I am creaming of.
Using these thought work tools will help you see how you can change your life by changing your thoughts. The Self Coaching tools will be shared in the beginning of the cohort, allowing you to practice them with continuous support.
Matilda is a wonderful, warm, and intuitive facilitator. Participating in Matilda's Online Cohort was incredibly expansive. If you long to reconnect with yourself and let go of the C R A P that drags you down, I cannot recommend participating enough. Being in a group is truly an opportunity to be mirrored and to have a shared experience. In our group, there has been a transparency that has been growing, and I feel great gratitude and appreciation for our time together. Matilda has the ability to create a safe space, guides with finesse, and leads with loving presence. I encourage you to take the chance to participate in these sessions and invest in yourself. It is an opportunity for you to integrate experiences both consciously and subconsciously. Thank you, Matilda. / Matilda är en underbar, varm och intuitiv facilitator. Att få delta på Matildas Online Cohort var oerhört expanderande. Om du längtar till att få hämta hem i dig själv samt släppa på S K I T som drar ner dig kan jag inte nog rekommendera att delta. Att få vara i en grupp är verkligen ett tillfälle att bli speglad och få en delad upplevelse. I våran grupp har det varit en transparens som har varit växande och jag känner stor tacksamhet samt uppskattning över vår tid tillsammans. Matilda har förmågan att skapa det trygga spacet, guidar med finess och leder med kärleksfull närvaro. Jag uppmuntrar dig till att ta chansen att delta i dessa sessioner och investera i dig själv. Det är ett tillfälle för dig att integrera upplevelser både medvetet och undermedvetet. Tack Matilda.

Attendee Online Cohort, March



Innerdance is a powerful tool to heal, clear your energy system from past experiences, and access your inner wisdom & intuition. Self-coaching equips you with the necessary tools to integrate these experiences into your thinking mind, empowering you to take action-steps in alignment with your intuition. 
Combining Innerdance with Thought Work has been life-changing on my personal journey - and I would now love to pass these tools on to you.


• Private onboarding call (approx. 30 minutes)
• 5 Innerdance sessions, including meditations, shakings, breathwork and extended sharings
• Themed sessions: Release, Transformation, and Re-Birth
• 1 Workshop on Self-Coaching Thought Work: ‘Master your thoughts and transform your life’


• Curated Innerdance playlist for at-home Innerdance sessions. After the Innerdance Online Cohort, you will be able to do Innerdance on yourself through self-activation.
• Available WhatsApp support from me and the group between sessions
• A safe container with a small and intimate group of likeminded souls that will support you throughout the process




4444 SEK
Early Bird 1, 3799 SEK
Early Bird 2, 3999 SEK
Payment plans with installment payments is available
/Betalningsplan med delbetalning finns tillgängligt. 

First of all, I want to emphasize that your presence as an instructor was outstanding. You created an environment where all participants felt welcome and seen. I especially appreciated how you gave space to all of us, not just through words but also through small 'sounds of affirmation' that opened up an ocean of 'space'. Your ability to listen and create this space was truly impressive and made the experience very meaningful.
I also liked the clear and well-structured format of each session. Your material was well-prepared and easy to follow. I particularly appreciated that you reminded me of my own commitment to attend the sessions I had paid for – it was a valuable reminder and showed your care for each participant's engagement.
The workshop where we went through the thinking tool for self-coaching was really rewarding for me. I truly appreciated the clear and structured review of the tool, which made it easy to understand and apply to my own situation

Attendee Online Cohort, March


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What happens now?

Once you've sent your application I will contact you for a private on-boarding call. The onboarding call is an opportunity for both of us to see if we are a match and for you to ask any questions you may have about the program*. 
If for some reason you cannot fill in the application form, your can reach me at matilda@innerdance.se or +46 (0) 706278506. 
*If I feel like this is not the right time for you to enter the program, or it may be more helpful for you to seek professional help from a therapist, I reserve the right to decline your participation and welcome you to join at a later stage on your journey.
© 2024 Innerdance Matilda