with facilitator MATILDA SJÖBERG


Re-program your nervous system & expand your consciousness in a liberating experience. Innerdance is a powerful healing tool that may help you release emotional garbage, reprogram limiting beliefs and expand your consciousness. I offer programs, group sessions, 1:1 and retreats. Join me Online, in Stockholm, Mallorca or Gotland - your life may be forever changed. 


In this 4-week Innerdance Deep Dive Transformational Online Cohort, I share the tools that have taken me on a journey from perceiving most things as out of reach to believing in my ability to create whatever I want. 
In the program we will deeply explore the healing powers of Innerdance. I will also share the Self Coaching Thought Work tools I use daily to direct my mind and achieve new things.
.After the Innerdance Deep Dive Transformational Cohort, you will be able to do Innerdance on yourself through self-activation. You will also carry a powerful self-coaching tool to master your thoughts and transform your life.

17/4-12/5 - FULL
May/June - Waitlist open

Innerdance Online Cohort Program Innerdance Zoom

HI, I'm matilda

I'm here to transform your inner & outer world by helping you release stagnant energy & shed limiting beliefs

I used to have very little trust in my capabilities, struggling with imposter syndrome and a complicated love life. I settled for short term highs with parties on the weekends and didn't dream big - because I believed that almost everything was out of reach anyway. 
My encounter with Innerdance a few years ago marks a significant turning point of my life. It resonated on a deep soul level and provided the powerful tools I needed to shed limiting beliefs and upgrade my internal stories. In combination with Self Coaching Thought Work, it completely transformed my self image and world view.
After completing my Innerdance Facilitator Training in the beginning of 2023, I've passionately served as an Innerdance Facilitator. 150+ clients later, this modality has proved its healing and transformative powers over and over again. 
If you are ready to shift your perceptions and journey deep within, join me Online, in Sweden or in Mallorca. 
ways to work with me

offerings & Upcoming sessions

I offer Group sessions, 1:1, Cohorts and retreats - Online, in Stockolm, in Gotland and in Mallorca. Upcoming events are presented below. If you want to book your spot or arrange a private session with me, please reach out to me by email matilda@innerdance.se or on instagram DMs.
Innerdance with Innerdance Facilitator Matilda, in Palma, Mallorca, SPAIN. Innerdance is a healing modality rooted in Filipino Shamanic traditions.
Innerdance Online Innerdance Zoom Innerdance Cohort Program Self Coaching
Innerdance with Innerdance Facilitator Matilda, in Stockholm, Sweden Sverige. Innerdance is a healing modality, that relaxes your nervous system and expands your consciousness.
Be the first to know

Whats app groups

Join my Whats App Groups for the latest updates and first ticket release of upcoming sessions, events and retreats:
Innerdance with Innerdance Facilitator Matilda, sessions on Mallorca, SPAIN and Stockholm, Gotland, SWEDEN SVERIGE.
Innerdance with Innerdance Facilitator Matilda, Stockholm, Gotland, SWEDEN, SVERIGE and Palma, Mallorca, SPAIN. Innerdance is a healing modality that help your nervous system to relax and release trauma, and expand your consciousness.
voices on innerdance with matilda


"Blew my mind away, and my heart right open. Words are not enough to recommend her"
"I just want to share that Matilda is a blessing and an exceptional professional. I’ve been before to a workshop like this with someone else and was very sceptical when I went to see Matilda.
The session was absolutely transformational, it helped me release so much pain and trauma I didn’t even realize I was carrying … blew my mind away, and my heart right open.
Words are not enough to recommend her"

"It’s as if I’ve reclaimed a part of my power that I left behind then…"
"It’s as if I’ve reclaimed a part of my power that I left behind then… It has been painful but sooo healing.

It’s incredible how life is… you think you’ve taken every course, training, various kinds of healing with shamans and healers all over the world. Sat in the jungle or on a mountaintop on the other side of the world… then, for the first time, you attend an Innerdance session and allow yourself to be guided by you, and something completely new happens! So fantastic! 

You are magical in holding the energy, and you’ve truly found your calling!!!! ”

"I didn't think this deep release was possible for me and you took me there"
"Yesterdays class was pure magic. I didn't think this deep release was possible for me and you took me there. You're a wonderful healer and wise woman. I'm so glad you decided to make this island home."

"It was one of the deepest and most overwhelming experiences I have had"
Thank you so much for the class. It was one of the deepest and most overwhelming experiences I have had. I am so grateful!"

"Din närvaro var så trygg och kraftfull, man känner sig hållen och fri samtidigt"
"Tack underbara du för idag.
Jag har känt en tid nu att jag har en klump av sorg som behövde frigöras, som jag har haft svårt att nå och det fick jag verkligen göra idag. Fick möta och ta hand om mitt inre barn igen.

Din närvaro var så trygg och kraftfull, man känner sig hållen och fri samtidigt. Du är fantastisk."

"Uppskattar verkligen ditt sätt att skapa utrymme, trygghet, hållande, kontakt, så mjukt, inkännande, kraftfullt och tydligt och samtidigt så subtilt"
"Jag är så tacksam för dagens innerdance session.
Jag har känt mig djupt påverkad hela dagen, liksom nu.
Det ska bli fint att komma på fredag igen.
Jag skulle så gärna vilja gå regelbundet irl på innerdance, men förstod jag det rätt att du bor i Spanien och är här bara ibland?
Uppskattar verkligen ditt sätt att skapa utrymme, trygghet, hållande, kontakt, så mjukt, inkännande, kraftfullt och tydligt och samtidigt så subtilt"

"Efteråt blev jag mer inkännande, gränssättande, känslomässig & nyfiken på andra"
"Men det var speciellt med ditt pass. Efteråt blev jag mer inkännande, gränssättande, känslomässig och nyfiken på andra. Jag såg också andra mer på riktigt på något sätt. Så ja - jag hoppas få gå pass med dig igen. Håll en plats åt mig om du planerar ett".

"Jag ville bara vråla och skrika ut min glädje"
Jag ville bara vråla och skrika ut min glädje."Ja jag måste bara säga att denna session var absolut det coolaste jag varit med om. TACK alla synliga och osynliga som hjälpte till. Jag ville bara vråla och skrika ut min glädje. Allt som man håller tillbaka har nu fått komma fram bättre.  Sovit så gott.
All musik var så härlig det kändes i kroppen wow. Svårt att minnas vad som var bäst, älskar trummmusik. Nästa resa får bli till Mallorca och få gå på klass hos dig där i värmen och solen. God jul och gott nytt år 2024. FINASTE Bästa Matilda".

a powerful healing modality with FILIPINO shamanic roots


Innerdance is a modality rooted in the Filipino Babaylan Shamanic tradition. It’s not a dance as we know it, but an active meditation and sound journey that often functions as a fast track to healing. By bringing your brain waves to different frequencies and activating your peripheral nervous system, Innerdance may help with releasing emotional garbage, reprogramming limiting beliefs and tapping into expanded states of consciousness.
The experience is often deeply spiritual and strong emotional releases, re-visiting and re-wiring of traumas, time travels, spontaneous body movements and non dual states may occur. 
As a facilitator, I am simply creating a space for you to access your creative life force energy - letting myself become an empty vessel to facilitate your journey. I am not giving you something that you do not already have and it is not a transmission.

How does a session work?

A class starts with a grounding exercise to bring you from your thinking mind into the body.  After this you are invited to lie down on your yoga mat, eyes closed, and do absolutely nothing but stay curious about what might arise.  After the session you are invited, but not obligated, to share your experience with the group.

IS innerdance for me?

You do not need any previous knowledge whatsoever to attend a class. However, you should feel a calling to journey deep within. As this process requires a certain level of emotional maturity, you must be willing and ready to take ownership of whatever emotions may arise before attending a class.
Innerdance is not recommended for people with nervous system disorders (epilepsy etc), mental illness such as panic attacks/psychosis/mania, cardiovascular diseases, pregnancy from third trimester, during drug abuse or while on heavy medication.

get in touch with me

Do you have any questions or want to reach out me? Contact me via email, WhatsApp or use this form, and I promise to get back to you as soon as possible. 

WhatsApp: +46 (0)706278506

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